Special Educational Needs & Disability

If you have any concerns you would like to talk to us about, please make an appointment with your child’s class teacher. Together, you can make a decision about how to tackle the issue and what the next steps are. It may be that the concern can be resolved between you and the class teacher, or alternatively, it might warrant the intervention of our school’s Inclusion Manager/SENCo, Cathy Clack. The Inclusion Manager will aim to offer help and advice in a variety of ways through our special educational needs and disability provision (SEND) and in some cases through the advice and support of external agencies.
Please contact Cathy if you would like to have a chat about any inclusion issues such as Special Educational Needs via the school office or email catherine.clack@box.wilts.sch.uk
Similarly, if you feel that any outside factors (perhaps a family issue i.e. separation or bereavement or even a medical issue) may have an impact on your child's learning and well-being, it is vitally important that you keep the school informed.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of external agencies that we might access:
- Educational Psychology
- Behaviour Support
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
- Ethnic Minority Achievement Service (EMAS)
- Specialist Educational Needs Service (SSENS)
You can find out more about the Wiltshire Local Offer at www.wiltshire.gov.uk/local-offer.
The Department for Education has published a SEND guide for parent and carers.
This is the school's SEND policy