Holocaust Memorial Day

This week Sycamore Class have been commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day. They have been learning about what happened during the holocaust and, on Thursday, had a virtual visit from Hedi Argent, a holocaust survivor. It was an incredibly powerful visit, which held Sycamore Class in rapt silence for 2 hours (no mean feat). Hedi told her story of growing up facing the prejudice of anti-Semitism and the importance of small acts of kindness- a girl asking her to play one day and actually gaining a friend; a really powerful statement of ‘I don’t care what you are, I just care that you’re kind’. Hedi told us about how her family was sponsored to gain entry to Britain as refugees. She also told us the sad story of her aunt, uncle, cousin and grandmother, who were about to escape just as WWII broke out; they sadly lost their lives. Hedi’s message was one of caution: the people that did this weren’t monsters, they were just ordinary people who were faced with hardship, disinformation, misinformation and fear.
Sycamore Class also had the chance to ask questions and Hedi told us how disgusting she found British food when she first came and how she made friends in England. It was a privilege to hear Hedi speak; Sycamore Class shared their feelings of sadness but also of hope- of the impact of kindness and how it can change so many people’s lives.