We're All in This Together

This term in singing assembly we have all been learning the new Mosaic Partnership Trust song. Its message is about equality, chasing dreams, endless possibilities and, most importantly, working together. True to the message, all 12 schools in Mosiac met this week to work together on recording the song. Children from each school were selected to go the Real World Studios in Box for a once in a lifetime opportunity. They walked the same floors as Harry Styles, sang in the same microphones as Beyoncé and wore the same headphones as Take That! It was impossible to pick just two children to go, so the trusty method of picking names from a hat was employed. The children picked, represented our school brilliantly: singing their hearts out and behaving impeccably. Being in the studio was a surreal experience. There were speakers taller than they were! The children were amazed by the sheer number of buttons on the recording equipment and how the engineers could know what each one did (secretly thinking that they didn’t really). It was a fantastic experience- more so because it was shared with others at the beginning of our new adventure working together. We’ll be sure to let you know when the video and recording is ready!
On a completely different note but with the same message, KS2 children were visited by Gulwali Passarlay this week. Gulwali came on behalf of the charity Asylum Speakers and shared his story of being a child refugee. It was a fascinating and humbling story, with the main message being that kindness is the biggest gift people can give and that anything is possible when we work together. Gulwali has left staff a copy of his book, which we are happy to share. And, Helen Brian has kindly donated copies of her book, Bobble, which takes inspiration from real-life stories, like Gulwali’s and tells them in a way that younger children can understand.