Eat- Have- Share- Harvest

This week at Box Primary School we have been thinking about harvest, with the highlight of our first visit to church this year.
Harvest is an interesting word in which many other words can be found and these have been the basis of our collective worship this week.
EAT- we think about the things that we enjoy eating and how we have the farmers to thank for them.
REST- how farmers deserve a well- earned rest after their tireless perseverance during harvest.
HAVE- how we can be extremely fortunate in the things that we have.
SHARE- how we can share the things that we have with others who are less fortunate.
And boy, did we share this Friday! Thank you so much for your generosity; the food collected today will go to The Sisters of the Church in Bristol and distributed to those in need. As part of the service today, we were reminded of the importance of sharing, through the song Streets of London; the importance of being thankful, through the parable of the ten lepers; and the importance of having fun, by singing one of our school favourites, Cauliflowers Fluffy (Paintbox). It was great to be back in the church and great for our walk to miss the thunderstorms too- great timing!