No flat start to this term!

We’ve had a very musical start to the term at Box Primary School, with a visit from the Welsh Band Trio. The trio had us enthralled, and in fits of laughter, during their visit on Tuesday morning. They treated us to a full range of music played on brass instruments: from classics like the William Tell overture, to film scores like the Star Wars theme, to jazz numbers, to The Simpsons theme tune. Not only did they play, but they also taught us about how brass instruments work and how they have evolved from the small simple hunting horns, made out of animal horn, to the complex metal instruments we have today. We learnt that music can be made from anything- for example an extremely long fishing rod that stretched across the hall- as long as you have the correct technique (it’s all about the vibration of your lips). The range of instruments that we were introduced to was incredible and no-one lost interest and drifted off to sleep (apart from on one of the trio themselves- who was shortly awakened with a loud blast on a trumpet). Some lucky volunteers had the opportunity to go up and try out some of the different instruments and receive a short lesson on how to make a sound- some were absolute naturals and others proved just how tricky it is, but everyone managed to play a note, to a tremendous round of applause. Thank you Welsh Band Trio for a brilliant start to the term- who’s looking forward to brass lessons starting next academic year?! (By the show of hands in assembly, quite a lot of us!)