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How To Save A Life

This week, we welcomed Wiltshire Air Ambulance back to Box Primary School. Every child, from Reception to Year 6, received instruction on how to save a life. It was amazing how much the children remembered from their visit last year- with each class recapping their learning from the previous year and then learning one extra piece of vital life-saving information.

Even the smallest person can put an adult in the recovery position with the right technique and Ash Class were experts at it. Oak and Willow Class were introduced to how to save someone who is choking (using back slaps and abdominal thrusts). They practised their abdominal thrusts using incredibly fun contraptions that shot out the obstruction causing the choking (a piece of foam) if the correct abdominal thrust technique was used. Beech Class and Chestnut Class were taught how do CPR to the tune of Stayin’ Alive; learning that it can be very tiring, especially on an adult, but that any CPR is better than no CPR at all. And Sycamore Class learnt that anyone can use a defibrillator: all of the instructions are spoken to you step by step. Did you know that the school has a defibrillator in the office? Or that the next nearest defibrillator is in the post office?

A hugely valuable visit, with skills that will hopefully stay with the children for many years to come. I can’t wait to see how much the children can remember when the Air Ambulance visits again next year! Box will be one of the safest places to be!