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Music to our ears

This term, all of our children in Year 5 will be learning how to play a brass instrument. Each week, a tutor from West Wilts Young Musicians will come in and teach the children how to play a trumpet. Not wanting to toot their own horn, but all the children in Year 5 were very excited after the first lesson: all being able to have the right technique to make the trumpet make a sound. This may sound easy, but having the right mouth shape is incredibly difficult.

Learning how to hold the trumpet correctly was the next task. The children remarked upon how comfortable it felt - that is until they started to play it! It was a shock when they first started to blow through the instrument and felt the whole thing vibrate! Something they soon got used to. A few lucky groups then had the chance to start pressing down the buttons (valves) and start to make their first tune.

We all know that practise makes perfect and Year 5s can’t wait for their next lesson. Who knows- we may even have our own marching band to lead us down to Campfest!