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Awarding success!

Friday assembly is usually a cause for celebration at Box Primary School: celebrating successes in classes, through headteacher awards and merits, and celebrating successes outside of school, with medals, trophies and awards earned in clubs and societies.

This Friday was no different. In fact, with the added suspense of a mystery visitor, some might say that this Friday assembly had a cause for an extra celebration.

Our visitor was Katherine Bloomer from the Bristol SACRE and she came to present our school with the WIRE award. The WIRE (widening inclusivity in religious education) award is an award presented to schools who demonstrate excellence in teaching RE, and as part of the assembly Mrs James, who is the subject leader for RE, reminded us of the fantastic work we have done in RE. This included learning about what different religions and world views say about how we should treat our planet, producing beautiful art work for the Spirited Arts competition and visiting places of worship like Bristol Mosque and Thomas a Becket Church. Learning about different religions and about those without religion is vital to aid understanding and harmony in our multi-faith society and we are very much looking forward to our next RE week, where we will get the opportunity to explore a wide range of religions and worldviews again. We all gave a round of applause to ourselves for our fantastic work- which we were captivated seeing displayed on the screen.

But the applause was not restricted to our wonderful work in RE. Once again our cross country team returned from the inter-school competition with the overall team trophy! Congratulations to all of our cross country runners- each person who ran contributed to our team score and we couldn’t have done it without any of you! (Really, we won by two points!)

If you have anything that you would like to celebrate in Friday assemblies, anything that you have achieved from clubs or activities outside of school, then please do bring it in. We love to hear about and congratulate any successes or proud moments.