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Facing the music

Everyone is truly settling back into the new school year now: with Reception in full time, lunchtime and after school sports clubs in full swing and dulcet musical tones drifting through the school corridors.

Choir is back, and stronger than ever, with over 50 members. Following on from their enthusiastic and charismatic performance at the Mid Somerset Festival, choir are stunning with their voices; preparing a new performance to take us on another roller’ghoster’ of a journey.

Sycamore class are learning an emotional and moving piece for the Remembrance assembly in November. Their voices and technical singing skills are being stretched in a piece that is already sounding beautiful: a performance not to be missed.

Year 5s are taking tunefully to the recorder; picking up their weekly lessons from last year. We are eagerly awaiting the return of recorder performance in the Nativity this year. (Yes we are, and if you’re not, then you should be!)

And one of the highlights of walking around the school, is hearing the array of musical lessons and instruments being played. From clarinet, to flute, to saxophone, to cello, to violin, to keyboard and guitar. From soothing sonatas to rocking riffs, there’s a whole range of genres to be heard.

How Tracey and Hayley remain focussed and don’t dance or sing along is a mystery to all!