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Plant, Nurture, Flourish, Serve

Our school vision is plant, nurture, flourish, serve and we are seeing that in abundance at the end of this school year.

Literally, with the Box Flower and Vegetable Show entries: children have been busy planting seeds and nurturing their living gardens, to watch them flourish for the community to enjoy.

With our Reception children, who were planted at the beginning of their school life 11 months ago and who are now flourishing as members of our school community ready to help the next new group of Reception children to learn the ropes next year.

With all of our children, who have worked so hard throughout the year and have achieved so many varied and wonderful things.

But mostly with our Year 6s. Looking back on photos from 7 years ago, it feels like a lifetime ago (yet also only yesterday) that they were also newly planted in Reception. They cannot wait to share their memories and talents with you at the leavers’ service on Tuesday. What they have accomplished in 7 years will astound you as much as it has us. We are incredibly proud of how they have flourished into their own individual people and how they have served the school, and wider community, through their determination and creativity. We can’t wait to see how they continue their journeys and forge their own paths.