Ash Class in Shining Armour

The school is abuzz with excitement for a new term and new topics! None more-so than Ash Class, who are starting their new topic on knights and castles. And, what perfect timing to learn about, and I quote, 'the most bravest knight that ever lived' St George. Ash Class have been learning all about St George and his epic battle to defeat the dragon. They even have a role play equipped with shining armour, shields and a deadly dragon to act out the story. But don't worry, there are also princess dresses and magic wands if you'd rather be in that kind of castle.
The rest of the school are going to be in touch with nature this term with their topics. Oak will be learning how to plant, sow, make grow. Willow Class are learning about living things and their habitats, Chestnut have the topic the natural world and Sycamore, National Parks. And last but not least, Beech are going to become experts in our local environment with their topic of Wiltshire. Lots of exciting things to look forward to!