RE Week
We have started this term with a fantastic RE week, where all classes have been working on the same theme- ‘What do people with different religions and worldviews have to say about how we treat our planet?’. We can all agree that it was definitely fantastic, as our Friday assembly involved every class sharing all of their amazing learning that they’ve been doing! It was so great to see the different directions that all classes took and the incredible results!
Ash Class looked at the special places for different religions and how the world is a special place for us all. Their week involved a trip to the church to find out more about it as a special place for Christians and Clair’s work there. They were full of interesting questions: asking Clair where her favourite place was in the church, if she lived there and what her favourite thing to teach in there was.
Oak Class were learning about the golden rule that different religions have and though we might think of religions as being very different, there is a common thread that runs through them all ‘treat others how you would want to be treated’. They also learnt that there was an actual tree cathedral and set about creating their own for the classroom with beautiful tree mosaics.
Willow Class have been enthralled by the myth ‘The Rainbow Crow’. They have drawn some amazingly reflective spirited art pictures considering what the world means to them and their view on what we should do to look after it.
Beech Class focussed their learning on what different religions would think about how we take care of rivers. They wowed us all with their ‘zig-zag’ pictures: showing both the Ganges polluted and unpolluted, depending on the angle that you looked at them. They also wrote their own speeches to persuade us to take care of rivers- after speaking so eloquently, they certainly had me convinced.
Chestnut Class described how different religions would respond to climate change through poetry. Their expressive and clear performances had the hall in raptured silence. They left us on tenterhooks awaiting the reveal of their artwork.
Sycamore Class empathised with people from a range of worldviews (some religious and some not). Like Oak Class, they learnt that there are more similarities between the views of different groups than differences and focussed on how everyone, regardless of faith, can work together. They learnt all about the interfaith #share the love campaign and have continued their work on democracy by petitioning our MP to make a change in government.
It’s so great to hear how the question has sparked the children’s enthusiasm and creativity -both in school and at home. A thoroughly thoughtful, reflective, arty and powerful start to a term full of excitement!