Anglo-Saxon Heaven

Chestnut Class have been completely immersed in Anglo-Saxon life (and death) today as they celebrated their term's topic with an Anglo-Saxon day.
The children looked amazing in their costumes: traditional tunics, headdresses, weapons, shields and even a painted on beard! And this really set them up for a fun and fact filled day.
Following on from their trip to Trowbridge Museum, a visitor from the Wiltshire Museum came to school. She brought Anglo-Saxon artefacts for the children to handle (some completely original from the period) including spear heads, swords, clothing, jewellery and pottery. She then taught the children all about Anglo-Saxon burials and how they differed for men and for women. They then recreated burials with two lucky volunteers playing the starring roles. (Don't worry the soil was completely imaginary!)
And if that wasn't enough, the children created their own golden brooches. A must-have for any fashionable Anglo-Saxon of their day- they wouldn't be seen buried without one (or two if you're a lady).
To top it all off, the children then created their own Viking recipe bread. A perfect accompaniment to a hearty soup (as it might be a bit dangerous to your teeth without!). Nevertheless, it was a fantastic day; a great celebration of Britain's history.