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School Blog

What's been happening in school?

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  • Business is 'blooming'

    Published 19/07/24, by Lisa Reed
    Wow! We can hardly believe another school year is nearly over. It has flown by so quickly: it only seems like yesterday that we were welcoming the new Reception children into school and now they are getting ready to be Year 1s! It doesn’t even
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  • Challenge Accepted!

    Published 12/07/24, by Lisa Reed
    Just before the holiday, Box Primary School went ‘skipping mad’ for the Mosaic inter- academy skipping challenge. All of the children, in all of the schools of our new academy, were challenged to see how many skips they could do in a minu
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  • Election Day

    Published 04/07/24, by Lisa Reed
    With the country’s adults headed to the polling station this Thursday, we created our own polling station at Box Primary School- to demonstrate how democracy works. Our Year 6 children formed four parties: Vision, Transform, Tomorrow and Progre
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  • Sharing joy!

    Published 28/06/24, by Lisa Reed
    This term our value is sharing and Beech Class shared an incredible assembly with us! They showed us how you can share so many things: physical things, like books and toys; and non-physical things, like time and friendships. They shared their hobbies
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  • Sports Day

    Published 21/06/24, by Lisa Reed
    The sun was shining down our fantastic sports day today! We are so proud of every single member of Box Primary School for their amazing sporting attitudes! Everybody had a choice to take part in the long race - and it was LONG!- this morning and
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  • No flat start to this term!

    Published 05/06/24, by Lisa Reed
    We’ve had a very musical start to the term at Box Primary School, with a visit from the Welsh Band Trio. The trio had us enthralled, and in fits of laughter, during their visit on Tuesday morning. They treated us to a full range of music played
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  • Walking, climbing and skipping into the holidays!

    Published 23/05/24, by Lisa Reed
    Our Year 4s have had an incredible start to the week on their residential at Braeside. Many struggled to pick a favourite part as they enjoyed it all so much! They started with a gloriously sunny walk along the canal- where every child had the cha
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  • Creating the Future

    Published 16/05/24, by Lisa Reed
    It may have been test week for our Year 6s this week but that doesn’t mean that it’s been all hard work for them- in fact quite the opposite! As well as working incredibly hard on their tests, mornings have been spent playing cricket, rou
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  • Celebrations

    Published 10/05/24, by Lisa Reed
    This week Box Primary School celebrated Ascension Day, with services at the church for both our KS1 and KS2 children. It was great for the children to see our very own TA (Reverend Southgate) dressed up in vestments, as she talked us through the serv
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  • The Wisdom of Valuing Difference

    Published 03/05/24, by Lisa Reed
    The week, all classes at Box Primary School have been thinking about what makes us different, and that the things that make us different are the things that make each and every one of us special. That we should celebrate everyone's differences- w
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  • Speaking out about our brilliant work!

    Published 25/04/24, by Lisa Reed
    These first two weeks of term at Box Primary School have been about speaking out and staying safe. All classes in the school have been using resources from the NSPCC to encourage the children to talk about any concerns or worries that they may have.
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  • Sparking and Sparkling Motivation

    Published 19/04/24, by Lisa Reed
    Welcome back to a brand new term at Box Primary School! We had a sparkling return, with Paralympic gold medallist Stephanie Millward our guest of honour at this Friday’s assembly. As well as wowing us with her medals (apparently over 750 of the
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